Friday, July 31, 2009

Enjoying the quiet in the midst of chaos...

We've had a busy month here at La Geron. I've had three out of four girls at camp this month. All at different times which has meant some juggling of schedules and asking (i.e. begging) for favors from friends and family. Michael was gone for 10 days in the middle of the month. We finished swim season again. And today we're getting ready to leave for another 10 days to Family camp.

Today the agenda is busy. I've got a cake in the oven for one of Michael's co-worker's birthday. One girl is up and moving. All three older girls are still sleeping. And still left on my list is: pack for 6 people, clean my house, library, Kmart, knitting shop, pay bills, grocery store and of course, maintain my sanity in the crazy day ahead.

And in the midst of the chaos that is my life I am enjoying the peace and times of quiet. Last night we had friends come for dinner. I was cooking pasta sauce in bulk to take with us camping. I called our friends and said come on by and eat with us. It was such a fun time. Laughing and eating with good friends - it doesn't get much better. This morning as I got up early to bake this cake that I should have baked last night I have enjoyed the quiet of my house and the small stirrings of life as the girls slowly awaken. God is good all the time.

I am thankful for these small pockets of quiet in the midst of the craziness and am ever aware of the need to purposefully plan for them. The quiet time focused on the Lord and talking with the Lord is filling up those spots where I've given all I can, emptied all that I have into others. I am ever grateful that His mercy and grace is fresh each morning. I sure need it every morning.

And now I have to get on with the blessed chaos that is my life. Have a blessed day and make sure to carve out some quiet time for yourself today in the midst of the chaos that is your life.

In Christ's peaceful grip,


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