We went on vacation with friends (home schoolers - most of them) this week. They totally blew me away Monday night. We are 24 weeks pregnant this week with Henry and I didn't think anyone would do anything shower or gift wise this early so I was oblivious when I walked into the room FULL of people. 35 physically there and another 30 who sent love. God is so good in giving us family and friends all over the place.
My friend Holly pushed her comfort zone and made this for me:
She'd never made a cake like this before. It was as delicious as it was pretty.
And then they had all these wonderful things from friends far and wide:

The chocolate brown ergo (backpack carrier) that I wanted. The Sneaky Wife #1 (Jen) and Sneaky Wife #2 (Dana) conferred and said I should really have the chocolate one since it made me happy. I love sneaky wives. Everyone should have at least one and I've got TWO!
And then there was the pack and play - I really liked the one Babies R Us sold but I refused to register there for only that ONE thing when they had a second choice at Target/Amazon. Again my Sneaky Wife (that'd be Jen again) came to the rescue and got the one with the ELEPHANTS on it that I really liked it.

And then a beautiful babby blanket made by my friend Kelly:

And cloth wipes made by Jen to go with the cloth diapers I'm planning to use:

One of the cloth diapers:

And there were other gifts:
My friend Ashley had a whole bag full of goodies including several toys, a sunhat, flannel blankets, swaddle blankets and bath toys. McGinley didn't get pictures of those quick enough!
And the friends far and wide also gave me the car seat we needed:

And we even had poetry which totally makes this count as SCHOOL! My friend Bethany wrote a poem for me. I'm going to type it up but suffice to say it made me cry like a babby myself! Dana had to be the reading wife!
Written by Bethany Wethersby:
Roses are red
They brighten your mood
Like the pending arrival
Of a cool little dude
His hands will be small
His feet will be tiny
He'll wear manly cloth diapers
On his little hiney
Will he be born bald
Or be totally hairy?
Grow up to love ice cream
Or be allergic to dairy?
Will he be a punk
Or a total saint?
Prefer to play football
Or read books & paint?
When will he come?
The schedule says May
But it could be June
If in the womb he does stay
Surrounded by sisters
He'll be their live doll
He's destined to spend
Time with them at the mall
I'm sure Michael's happy
For some testosterone
In the sea of estrogen
He won't be alone
Peg will get snuggles
She will not feel crabby
When kissing the cheeks
Of her new little babby
I better stop
Before this gets sappy
But, honey, Peg's birthing Henry
And we're all *so* happy!!
The best thing about all of this is that I keep thinking if this is a slice of heaven here on earth I sure can't wait to get to heaven!
In the center of Christ's ABUNDANT and OVERFLOWING Love,