Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lessons I've learned...

And am still learning...

#1 Tell your people you love them - early and often. You just never know when it will be the last time you get to tell them.

#2 Don't hold grudges. It is just not worth it and the truth of the matter is it hurts you more than it hurts the other person. And when you are holding a grudge you fail to do #1.

#3 Wear clothes that feel good. Life is too short to be pulling and tugging at something that doesn't fit or feel good.

#4 Enjoy your babbies. They won't be babbies long. I can't believe I'll have a 16 year old in less than a month. And a 6 month old.

#5 Laugh often. It is good for so many things.

#6 Learn to laugh at yourself. I've found it's best not to take myself too seriously. And truth be told I'm just funny. No one else needs to get it as long as I do but it is a lot of fun when they do.

#7 Have people in your life who "get" you. We're all very different and I praise the Lord for those differences. But sometimes you need to be able to talk to people who just get how you think, feel, ARE! Those people might be the ones you have the most history with - ie your family or they might be a kindred spirit.

#8 Enjoy what you do. Back to that life is too short thing...You just need to be able to enjoy what you are doing in life. I love my life nearly all the time. God has blessed me with a beloved who has the same priorities I do - God, family, home, loving each other.

#9 Eat good food. Life is too short (see there is that phrase again) to eat bad food.

#10 Don't allow the small stuff to get in the way of relationships. Or the big stuff for that matter. This was a lesson learned the hard way. My brother, Andy, died 14 years ago today - by his own hand. I never got to say goodbye or that I was sorry.

You see, we had an argument a year before he died. We had not spoken since the argument. Both of us were too proud and stubborn to be the one to make the first move. Because of that pride and stubbornness I didn't get the chance the to make things right. And the worst thing is what we argued about doesn't mean a thing in the scheme of life. It just isn't worth it to allow things and ideas to affect a relationship to the point of not being able to reconcile it.

So tell your people you love them, enjoy your life, laugh often and always say you are sorry before it's too late.

I miss you Bub.

In Christ's Abundant Love,