Henry isn't even here yet and he's loved by so many. My sisterwives/girlfriends here in VA loved on us with this shower at the beginning of the month. We've had such a crazy month I'm just now getting around to posting about it.
We hadn't even left the ultrasound before getting a phone call from Amy and Lisa asking if they could do a shower for us - and oh by the way, what is the babby? We were so blessed!
It was a difficult week for many reasons. First, our family had our Aunt Barbara in the hospital in her last days. She died the morning of the shower. Amy had her babby in the hospital with RSV for four days and Lisa was busy keeping me upright since I had several appts. and my friend Deidre' was coming for a visit too!
We ate really good food, laughed and cried too! Henry got a lot of love in the form of outfits, blankets & boppys! My sweet Emma made a hat for him all by herself from a pattern! She made me cry!
Amy and Lisa did a great job on the shower. The food was fabulous and everyone had a good time. I praise the Lord for my Girlfriend/sisterwives. I don't know what I'd do without them!
Now we all wait for Henry to get here! He's sure to be spoiled and loved on even more!
In Christ's Abundant Love,