Saturday, April 4, 2009

Simple things we take for granted...

This spring has been a gray and dreary one so far. So when the sun comes out and is streaming through my front windows I have taken to sitting there and absorbing all that I can before it moves over the house. I have so enjoyed those simple mornings, reading to the girls, doing school with them while sitting in that warm sunshine.

It hit me the other day that I have taken for granted that the spring means sunshine every day and warmth. I have been so thrown off kilter by the rain for days in a row that my house, school and life in general have suffered. And so I've made an effort to enjoy the day even when the rain is there and it is dark and gray knowing that the Lord will bring new growth from that rain and sun for me to soak in.

I've seen the results of those rainy days in the trees blooming and the flowers beginning to bud. And so I am thankful for the way the Lord designed this world we live in so that we can have rain for growth and moisture. And the sun of a new morning to bask in while focusing on the blessings of the day. I'll be enjoying those flowers and trees as they spring into new growth. And I'm praising the Lord for his perfect design and plan.

In Christ's Love,

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