And am still learning...
#1 Tell your people you love them - early and often. You just never know when it will be the last time you get to tell them.
#2 Don't hold grudges. It is just not worth it and the truth of the matter is it hurts you more than it hurts the other person. And when you are holding a grudge you fail to do #1.
#3 Wear clothes that feel good. Life is too short to be pulling and tugging at something that doesn't fit or feel good.
#4 Enjoy your babbies. They won't be babbies long. I can't believe I'll have a 16 year old in less than a month. And a 6 month old.
#5 Laugh often. It is good for so many things.
#6 Learn to laugh at yourself. I've found it's best not to take myself too seriously. And truth be told I'm just funny. No one else needs to get it as long as I do but it is a lot of fun when they do.
#7 Have people in your life who "get" you. We're all very different and I praise the Lord for those differences. But sometimes you need to be able to talk to people who just get how you think, feel, ARE! Those people might be the ones you have the most history with - ie your family or they might be a kindred spirit.
#8 Enjoy what you do. Back to that life is too short thing...You just need to be able to enjoy what you are doing in life. I love my life nearly all the time. God has blessed me with a beloved who has the same priorities I do - God, family, home, loving each other.
#9 Eat good food. Life is too short (see there is that phrase again) to eat bad food.
#10 Don't allow the small stuff to get in the way of relationships. Or the big stuff for that matter. This was a lesson learned the hard way. My brother, Andy, died 14 years ago today - by his own hand. I never got to say goodbye or that I was sorry.
You see, we had an argument a year before he died. We had not spoken since the argument. Both of us were too proud and stubborn to be the one to make the first move. Because of that pride and stubbornness I didn't get the chance the to make things right. And the worst thing is what we argued about doesn't mean a thing in the scheme of life. It just isn't worth it to allow things and ideas to affect a relationship to the point of not being able to reconcile it.
So tell your people you love them, enjoy your life, laugh often and always say you are sorry before it's too late.
I miss you Bub.
In Christ's Abundant Love,
We are a homeschooling family with four girls and now one wee little man. We are a family that loves the Lord and are daily trying to walk that faith out to His glory.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's been a while since we've been here...

Sorry about that. As you can well imagine we've had a busy, joy filled summer adjusting to our new little man here at La Geron.

I think it's safe to say that we have all fallen head over heels in love with this wee man named Henry Thomas. And a wee man he is indeed. In spite of looking very similar to Charlotte as a babby he is definitely a BOY.
I have always thought that babbies tend to be like, well, babbies at this young of an age. Boy oh boy was I wrong. He is so like the girls but yet so very different. Starting with the way he eats; He eats fast and furious, talking to his food (ie the ninnies). When the girls were nursing they'd get too much milk and pull off gasping and choking. Not Henry! He gets too much he just lets it slide out the side of his mouth and keeps trying to eat even as he is gasping for air! Cracks me up after I got over the initial shock of him trying to continue to eat in spite of choking. He'll have milk sliding down his chin and his elbows! It's like he's eating corn on the cob or something! And now that he's found his voice he is REALLY talking to the food! He'll pull off and smile at me while having a conversation then goes back to nursing. I love it.
We had him dedicated in August. This is our 95 year old grandma holding him the day of his dedication. The christening gown he is wearing was Michael's when he was a babby given to him by this same grandma. All of the kids have worn it when they were dedicated/christened. I love it. And I love that Grandma Geron is still here to enjoy our wee Henry.

Our Henry can be so serious like his daddy at times but then he smiles and his whole face lights up. I love it when he smiles at me. For a long time he'd only smile for me. Now he smiles for others and I try not to be jealous he is sharing his smiles with people other than The Mama.

I fully expect the boy to call me "The Mama". From the minute he was born I have talked to him and called myself The Mama. I'll often say "Do you just need the Mama?" The girls have taken to calling me the mama when they refer to me when they are talking to him. I love it. He rolled over a couple of weeks ago. He is like McGinley in that he did it once and now he doesn't have to keep proving he can do it again. He's rolled over more than once but refuses to do it when we try to convince him he should show us! Turkey bird!
We've started another school year and are headed into week 6 or so I think. We did take a week and a half off to spend some time with friends coming through to go to Colonial Williamsburg. It was big fun and we totally need to go back again - five or six more times just to get it all in. We went three days and still didn't see everything!
I am now the mama of a 15 1/2 year old, a 14 year old, a 12 year old, a 6 1/2 year old and a 4 month old. We are loving being a family of seven. This wee babe has brought much joy to all of us and it is amazing to see how the girls all relate so differently to Henry. God is good. All the time and in every way. We are so very blessed. Thanks for bearing with us on the blog - sorry it's taken months to update. I'll try to do better now.
In Christ's Abundant Love,
Friday, May 28, 2010
HE IS HERE! Henry Thomas is here!
We have our sweet Henry Thomas here with us finally. After much debate and doings he arrived Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:49 p.m. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was a whopping 22 inches long. He has a bit of hair and is just beautiful. He looks like the Geron Girls.
One of my favorite shots - Henry with "Big Daddy".
We had an very eventful pregnancy and ended up being labeled "High Risk" on several fronts. When all was said and done though the Lord took each of those labels and knocked them to the side in a very obvious way. We are praising HIM for a successful, healthy pregnancy and sweet babby Henry being here safely and fabulously.

The girls are so excited Henry is here. It's a fight to who gets to hold him first thing in the morning. I win - because he has to nurse first!
And the highlight of our homecoming on Tuesday - we got to take Henry to see his Great Grandma - she is 95 years old and her comment was "I've waited so very long for you." She cried and laughed at the same time. It was a joyful thing to see.

God is good and we are thankful for the blessing of Henry!
In Christ's Love,
We had an very eventful pregnancy and ended up being labeled "High Risk" on several fronts. When all was said and done though the Lord took each of those labels and knocked them to the side in a very obvious way. We are praising HIM for a successful, healthy pregnancy and sweet babby Henry being here safely and fabulously.
The girls are so excited Henry is here. It's a fight to who gets to hold him first thing in the morning. I win - because he has to nurse first!
And the highlight of our homecoming on Tuesday - we got to take Henry to see his Great Grandma - she is 95 years old and her comment was "I've waited so very long for you." She cried and laughed at the same time. It was a joyful thing to see.
God is good and we are thankful for the blessing of Henry!
In Christ's Love,
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A progression of belly shots for your enjoyment...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Henry's Second Babby Shower!
Henry isn't even here yet and he's loved by so many. My sisterwives/girlfriends here in VA loved on us with this shower at the beginning of the month. We've had such a crazy month I'm just now getting around to posting about it.
We hadn't even left the ultrasound before getting a phone call from Amy and Lisa asking if they could do a shower for us - and oh by the way, what is the babby? We were so blessed!
It was a difficult week for many reasons. First, our family had our Aunt Barbara in the hospital in her last days. She died the morning of the shower. Amy had her babby in the hospital with RSV for four days and Lisa was busy keeping me upright since I had several appts. and my friend Deidre' was coming for a visit too!
We ate really good food, laughed and cried too! Henry got a lot of love in the form of outfits, blankets & boppys! My sweet Emma made a hat for him all by herself from a pattern! She made me cry!
Amy and Lisa did a great job on the shower. The food was fabulous and everyone had a good time. I praise the Lord for my Girlfriend/sisterwives. I don't know what I'd do without them!
Now we all wait for Henry to get here! He's sure to be spoiled and loved on even more!
In Christ's Abundant Love,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Overwhelming Blessings....
or how one decision changed the course of my life and my family's life! When we decided to home school all those years ago I thought it was a decision about education. Who knew it would give us friends and family across the world? Seriously!
We went on vacation with friends (home schoolers - most of them) this week. They totally blew me away Monday night. We are 24 weeks pregnant this week with Henry and I didn't think anyone would do anything shower or gift wise this early so I was oblivious when I walked into the room FULL of people. 35 physically there and another 30 who sent love. God is so good in giving us family and friends all over the place.
My friend Holly pushed her comfort zone and made this for me:

She'd never made a cake like this before. It was as delicious as it was pretty.
And then they had all these wonderful things from friends far and wide:

The chocolate brown ergo (backpack carrier) that I wanted. The Sneaky Wife #1 (Jen) and Sneaky Wife #2 (Dana) conferred and said I should really have the chocolate one since it made me happy. I love sneaky wives. Everyone should have at least one and I've got TWO!
And then there was the pack and play - I really liked the one Babies R Us sold but I refused to register there for only that ONE thing when they had a second choice at Target/Amazon. Again my Sneaky Wife (that'd be Jen again) came to the rescue and got the one with the ELEPHANTS on it that I really liked it.

And then a beautiful babby blanket made by my friend Kelly:

And cloth wipes made by Jen to go with the cloth diapers I'm planning to use:

One of the cloth diapers:

And there were other gifts:
My friend Ashley had a whole bag full of goodies including several toys, a sunhat, flannel blankets, swaddle blankets and bath toys. McGinley didn't get pictures of those quick enough!
And the friends far and wide also gave me the car seat we needed:

And we even had poetry which totally makes this count as SCHOOL! My friend Bethany wrote a poem for me. I'm going to type it up but suffice to say it made me cry like a babby myself! Dana had to be the reading wife!
Written by Bethany Wethersby:
Roses are red
They brighten your mood
Like the pending arrival
Of a cool little dude
His hands will be small
His feet will be tiny
He'll wear manly cloth diapers
On his little hiney
Will he be born bald
Or be totally hairy?
Grow up to love ice cream
Or be allergic to dairy?
Will he be a punk
Or a total saint?
Prefer to play football
Or read books & paint?
When will he come?
The schedule says May
But it could be June
If in the womb he does stay
Surrounded by sisters
He'll be their live doll
He's destined to spend
Time with them at the mall
I'm sure Michael's happy
For some testosterone
In the sea of estrogen
He won't be alone
Peg will get snuggles
She will not feel crabby
When kissing the cheeks
Of her new little babby
I better stop
Before this gets sappy
But, honey, Peg's birthing Henry
And we're all *so* happy!!
The best thing about all of this is that I keep thinking if this is a slice of heaven here on earth I sure can't wait to get to heaven!
In the center of Christ's ABUNDANT and OVERFLOWING Love,
We went on vacation with friends (home schoolers - most of them) this week. They totally blew me away Monday night. We are 24 weeks pregnant this week with Henry and I didn't think anyone would do anything shower or gift wise this early so I was oblivious when I walked into the room FULL of people. 35 physically there and another 30 who sent love. God is so good in giving us family and friends all over the place.
My friend Holly pushed her comfort zone and made this for me:
She'd never made a cake like this before. It was as delicious as it was pretty.
And then they had all these wonderful things from friends far and wide:

The chocolate brown ergo (backpack carrier) that I wanted. The Sneaky Wife #1 (Jen) and Sneaky Wife #2 (Dana) conferred and said I should really have the chocolate one since it made me happy. I love sneaky wives. Everyone should have at least one and I've got TWO!
And then there was the pack and play - I really liked the one Babies R Us sold but I refused to register there for only that ONE thing when they had a second choice at Target/Amazon. Again my Sneaky Wife (that'd be Jen again) came to the rescue and got the one with the ELEPHANTS on it that I really liked it.

And then a beautiful babby blanket made by my friend Kelly:

And cloth wipes made by Jen to go with the cloth diapers I'm planning to use:

One of the cloth diapers:

And there were other gifts:
My friend Ashley had a whole bag full of goodies including several toys, a sunhat, flannel blankets, swaddle blankets and bath toys. McGinley didn't get pictures of those quick enough!
And the friends far and wide also gave me the car seat we needed:

And we even had poetry which totally makes this count as SCHOOL! My friend Bethany wrote a poem for me. I'm going to type it up but suffice to say it made me cry like a babby myself! Dana had to be the reading wife!
Written by Bethany Wethersby:
Roses are red
They brighten your mood
Like the pending arrival
Of a cool little dude
His hands will be small
His feet will be tiny
He'll wear manly cloth diapers
On his little hiney
Will he be born bald
Or be totally hairy?
Grow up to love ice cream
Or be allergic to dairy?
Will he be a punk
Or a total saint?
Prefer to play football
Or read books & paint?
When will he come?
The schedule says May
But it could be June
If in the womb he does stay
Surrounded by sisters
He'll be their live doll
He's destined to spend
Time with them at the mall
I'm sure Michael's happy
For some testosterone
In the sea of estrogen
He won't be alone
Peg will get snuggles
She will not feel crabby
When kissing the cheeks
Of her new little babby
I better stop
Before this gets sappy
But, honey, Peg's birthing Henry
And we're all *so* happy!!
The best thing about all of this is that I keep thinking if this is a slice of heaven here on earth I sure can't wait to get to heaven!
In the center of Christ's ABUNDANT and OVERFLOWING Love,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Lots of stuff going on here at La Geron.
We've been busy since Christmas. The babby is growing like he's supposed to and we're thrilled. Yep you read it right - HE. His name is Henry Thomas Geron. We expect to deliver near the middle of May. I love to feel his little kicks and movements. We are very blessed.
The girls are busy with school. They started a short art class with a friend of mine in January. They are having tons of fun with that. This week they start up sewing again after a Christmas Break. And dance resumed last week. So as you can imagine I'm in the car way more than I like.
Michael is busy all the time. We've had some breaks here and there. Praise the Lord! I love spending time wit my Beloved.
Michael's Grandma Geron fell the day after Christmas. She broke her leg, had a pin put in and is now at the Convalescent center doing rehab. The family has been loving on her well. We covet your prayers for her health. She will be 95 in April.
McGinley cut her hair last week. She looks so grown up it hurts my heart to look at her sometimes. I'm not ready for these girls to be grown. Isn't it cute?

I just realized how long it had been since I posted so even though it's a hodgepodge of information I still wanted to post something. ;)
In Christ's Love,
The girls are busy with school. They started a short art class with a friend of mine in January. They are having tons of fun with that. This week they start up sewing again after a Christmas Break. And dance resumed last week. So as you can imagine I'm in the car way more than I like.
Michael is busy all the time. We've had some breaks here and there. Praise the Lord! I love spending time wit my Beloved.
Michael's Grandma Geron fell the day after Christmas. She broke her leg, had a pin put in and is now at the Convalescent center doing rehab. The family has been loving on her well. We covet your prayers for her health. She will be 95 in April.
McGinley cut her hair last week. She looks so grown up it hurts my heart to look at her sometimes. I'm not ready for these girls to be grown. Isn't it cute?

I just realized how long it had been since I posted so even though it's a hodgepodge of information I still wanted to post something. ;)
In Christ's Love,
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