The girls are busy with school. They started a short art class with a friend of mine in January. They are having tons of fun with that. This week they start up sewing again after a Christmas Break. And dance resumed last week. So as you can imagine I'm in the car way more than I like.
Michael is busy all the time. We've had some breaks here and there. Praise the Lord! I love spending time wit my Beloved.
Michael's Grandma Geron fell the day after Christmas. She broke her leg, had a pin put in and is now at the Convalescent center doing rehab. The family has been loving on her well. We covet your prayers for her health. She will be 95 in April.
McGinley cut her hair last week. She looks so grown up it hurts my heart to look at her sometimes. I'm not ready for these girls to be grown. Isn't it cute?

I just realized how long it had been since I posted so even though it's a hodgepodge of information I still wanted to post something. ;)
In Christ's Love,
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