Friday, February 27, 2009

On the road again...

We have been traveling this week and are home long enough to wash clothes and start again. Friends of ours invited us on vacation with them. Totally cool way to vacation - everyone pitching in on the food and cooking and eating and talking. And talking and laughing until we were crying. Did I mention the cooking and talking and eating and talking? ;) Oh and we knit a bit too. My friend who just learned to knit in January is doing a sweater for her daughter now. Started it on vacation.

We've done this for years with our dear friends in WV. We plan a menu, each family picks a couple of things for each meal and then we put it all together when we're cooking. Totally works and we eat WAY better camping/vacationing than we do at home. Plus it's just more fun to cook and clean up together.

The girls did not want to leave their friends and cried a bit coming home. We're hoping to see them again soon. It is amazing the number of blessing we've had simply because we home school.

The fact that we can go off season for much cheaper rates, see friends we don't often get to see other times of the year, meet people we would never get to meet otherwise. The fact that my beloved can take time off from work when most people don't even have vacation on their radar is a huge blessing. There are many things we have been blessed with since we started home schooling. God is so good all the time.

Hope everyone is having a good time. And looking for those blessing each and every day. We sure are. Out the door we go again.

In the midst of God's blessings,


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