These last few days my babby (yes I know she is four and that doesn't really qualify her as a babby anymore) has been "practicing" her swinging. She just figured out how to make her legs both go the way she wants to get the result she wants. She has been practicing every minute ever since. Because practice makes perfect.
It came to me that we are ever "practicing".
Practicing being the wife the Lord would have me be.
Practicing being the mother He would have me be.
Practice being the friend He would have me be each day.
Practicing being the reflection of Him to others in all aspects of my life.
And how terribly I fail each and every day in every way.
So I am thankful.
I am thankful He gives us new grace and mercy each morning so that we can do better than the day before.
Thankful for the opportunities each new day to practice and get better for His glory.
Thankful for my beloved forgiving me daily for not being the wife he needs all the time.
Thankful my girls are gracious and loving.
Thankful my friends love me flaws and all.
And so very thankful that He calls me His own in spite of all the practice I need.
In Christ's Love and mercy,
We are a homeschooling family with four girls and now one wee little man. We are a family that loves the Lord and are daily trying to walk that faith out to His glory.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008

Today is Memorial Day. The Geron Family would like to thank the veterans who have served, the families of those who have given their lives for our freedom and those who are currently serving. Without their great sacrifices we would not be able to live free in this country.
We praise the Lord for each and every person. And we pray for the safety of our men and women serving today all over the world. May God bless and keep them safe.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Grief and how the Lord carries us through...
It's been a long week and a half. We went to my daddy's memorial service on Monday last week. I can hardly believe it has only been a week. It seems so very long ago already.
Daddy's service was a huge blessing to all of us. A friend of my sister Miriam's did the service and he talked about the importance of knowing the Lord as your Saviour. I am thankful that he spoke of it in the way that he did. I am also so very grateful that most of my immediate family knows the Lord of Lords, King of Kings.
For those who don't I pray daily that they would not wait too long. Time is too short and it is so easy to think you have more time with people and that the Lord will wait on you to "get yourself straight". The truth of the matter is He meets us where we are at right then. He loves us even with all our faults and issues.
I PRAISE THE LORD that He does take us where we are at - I surely would never be worthy. The bible says that all fall short of the glory of God. We will never be worthy but He loves us anyway. He wants us to love Him and worship HIM in the midst of the trials, tribulations, happy times, joyful times, and yes even in the grief-ridden times.
We continue to Praise him in the storm. My dear friend Amy sang for our service Sunday. The song she sang was "Stand Still" by the Issacs. I found their version on Youtube - it is a beautiful song but I have to say I loved Amy's voice singing it.
So we are "Standing Still" and letting Our God move. And Praising Him in the standing still.
If you don't know the Lord, please look at the verse on the bottom of my blog. It will tell you what you need to know. Ask for forgiveness of your sins, Believe that Christ died for your sins and Confess with your mouth that He is your Lord and saviour. That is it. God loves you just the way you are. He sees his Son Jesus when he looks at you and he loves you just where you are at right now. Believe it. Accept it and welcome Him into your heart. He is a loving God.
In Christ's Abundant and merciful love,
Daddy's service was a huge blessing to all of us. A friend of my sister Miriam's did the service and he talked about the importance of knowing the Lord as your Saviour. I am thankful that he spoke of it in the way that he did. I am also so very grateful that most of my immediate family knows the Lord of Lords, King of Kings.
For those who don't I pray daily that they would not wait too long. Time is too short and it is so easy to think you have more time with people and that the Lord will wait on you to "get yourself straight". The truth of the matter is He meets us where we are at right then. He loves us even with all our faults and issues.
I PRAISE THE LORD that He does take us where we are at - I surely would never be worthy. The bible says that all fall short of the glory of God. We will never be worthy but He loves us anyway. He wants us to love Him and worship HIM in the midst of the trials, tribulations, happy times, joyful times, and yes even in the grief-ridden times.
We continue to Praise him in the storm. My dear friend Amy sang for our service Sunday. The song she sang was "Stand Still" by the Issacs. I found their version on Youtube - it is a beautiful song but I have to say I loved Amy's voice singing it.
So we are "Standing Still" and letting Our God move. And Praising Him in the standing still.
If you don't know the Lord, please look at the verse on the bottom of my blog. It will tell you what you need to know. Ask for forgiveness of your sins, Believe that Christ died for your sins and Confess with your mouth that He is your Lord and saviour. That is it. God loves you just the way you are. He sees his Son Jesus when he looks at you and he loves you just where you are at right now. Believe it. Accept it and welcome Him into your heart. He is a loving God.
In Christ's Abundant and merciful love,
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My daddy ...
was my definition of a great man. He was the kind of man who put his kids and wife before himself always. He was the kind of man who would stand up for his friends and family. He believed in hard work and he worked hard all his life. He was a man of heart. He loved his family and he told us often. He hugged us often and always made sure we knew how much he loved us. He loved the Lord and had peace about where he would go when his time came.
He loved his wife of 42 years with all his heart and soul. He told her the other day that he never thought he'd be so lucky to be married to her. He told her he loved her so very much.
Today my daddy went home with Jesus. He was 69. He is sitting there with Zeb on one knee and my brother sitting beside him laughing. I praise the Lord for my father knowing the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I will see him one day soon.

My daddy last June with my Mama and six of his grandchildren at my house in front of Zeb's Lilac bush.
Thank you for letting me share my Daddy with you.
In Christ's Sustaining and Abundant, and merciful love,
He loved his wife of 42 years with all his heart and soul. He told her the other day that he never thought he'd be so lucky to be married to her. He told her he loved her so very much.
Today my daddy went home with Jesus. He was 69. He is sitting there with Zeb on one knee and my brother sitting beside him laughing. I praise the Lord for my father knowing the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I will see him one day soon.
My daddy last June with my Mama and six of his grandchildren at my house in front of Zeb's Lilac bush.
Thank you for letting me share my Daddy with you.
In Christ's Sustaining and Abundant, and merciful love,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
Wool, sheep, yarn of every color under the rainbow, people who all love the fiber, the art, the possibilities of the art, the process, I could go on and on about the MS&W.

The first place we went was The Barefoot Spinner's booth. Why you ask? Because she is from West Virginia and I must support my people. I bought this beautiful ball of roving to learn to spin with (hopefully) soon. Don't I look LOVELY? My babby took this of me around 5:30 p.m. in the hotel room. We'd been up since 5 a.m. I look a bit rough.

Here's a picture of my babby feed a kid babby goat. It was too cute if I do say so myself. She was a trooper. Walked the entire time and drug her daddy into the lamb sheds every time they passed them.

We were blessed to be able to go this weekend with my in-laws. I love my in-laws. They are game for a road trip with four of their 7 grandkids. Brave, huh? My mother-in-law knits and so appreciates the fiber. She found some beautiful lace weight from Wales. And a two completely different yarns with the same colorway. Simply beautiful. I can't wait to see what she does with it.

My Father-in-law is always trying new things and has a true appreciation for things done the old ways. He was drawn again and again to this sheepskin rug. I won't tell you whether he brought anything home with him - you'll have to ask him. The girl standing on the other side of me can tell you. ;0

There were so many things to see and feel. It was hard to absorb all the sights and sounds. There were booths that made brooms - we got the babby a little one - gotta start training them early plus it was just too stinkin' cute. Booths that made leather bags, belts, etc. I drooled there a couple of times but just couldn't commit myself to something that wasn't yarn. And tons of different - very different yarns plus anything you would use to get yarn, use yarn, and make yarn. We were drooling over the spinning wheels. We'll have to think on those a while though.

We had a great time. The girls all came home with drop spindles to learn to spin. We are ready to go back again. My beloved is the most giving, loving, just beloved man ever. He let me wander and said not one word. He enjoyed seeing all his girls so happy and it was definately a blessing for us.
I am happy to report that I went with a budget, albeit small, and I stuck within my budget. We are praising the Lord for stretching those funds enough to allow us this much needed time away.
Of course, we had to have the usual car troubles on the way home. Pray for our van - yes again. The transmission - yes the one we just put in two weeks ago - went again. We left it sitting at a State Police Office somewhere in MD.
My beloved and my Fabulous father-in-law went back this morning to pick it up and bring it back to our car place. Again. We'll see what happens with it. I'm sure I'll be asking for prayer for that sad, sad van again.
In Christ's Love,
The first place we went was The Barefoot Spinner's booth. Why you ask? Because she is from West Virginia and I must support my people. I bought this beautiful ball of roving to learn to spin with (hopefully) soon. Don't I look LOVELY? My babby took this of me around 5:30 p.m. in the hotel room. We'd been up since 5 a.m. I look a bit rough.
Here's a picture of my babby feed a kid babby goat. It was too cute if I do say so myself. She was a trooper. Walked the entire time and drug her daddy into the lamb sheds every time they passed them.
We were blessed to be able to go this weekend with my in-laws. I love my in-laws. They are game for a road trip with four of their 7 grandkids. Brave, huh? My mother-in-law knits and so appreciates the fiber. She found some beautiful lace weight from Wales. And a two completely different yarns with the same colorway. Simply beautiful. I can't wait to see what she does with it.
My Father-in-law is always trying new things and has a true appreciation for things done the old ways. He was drawn again and again to this sheepskin rug. I won't tell you whether he brought anything home with him - you'll have to ask him. The girl standing on the other side of me can tell you. ;0
There were so many things to see and feel. It was hard to absorb all the sights and sounds. There were booths that made brooms - we got the babby a little one - gotta start training them early plus it was just too stinkin' cute. Booths that made leather bags, belts, etc. I drooled there a couple of times but just couldn't commit myself to something that wasn't yarn. And tons of different - very different yarns plus anything you would use to get yarn, use yarn, and make yarn. We were drooling over the spinning wheels. We'll have to think on those a while though.
We had a great time. The girls all came home with drop spindles to learn to spin. We are ready to go back again. My beloved is the most giving, loving, just beloved man ever. He let me wander and said not one word. He enjoyed seeing all his girls so happy and it was definately a blessing for us.
I am happy to report that I went with a budget, albeit small, and I stuck within my budget. We are praising the Lord for stretching those funds enough to allow us this much needed time away.
Of course, we had to have the usual car troubles on the way home. Pray for our van - yes again. The transmission - yes the one we just put in two weeks ago - went again. We left it sitting at a State Police Office somewhere in MD.
My beloved and my Fabulous father-in-law went back this morning to pick it up and bring it back to our car place. Again. We'll see what happens with it. I'm sure I'll be asking for prayer for that sad, sad van again.
In Christ's Love,
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