We use a curriculum called Sonlight for our homeschool. I love the company and the people there. I love all the friends I've made online through their forums. We have friends all over the world. Lovely men and women - some that we've meet in real life and some we haven't. We get to meet more all the time.
One of those friends sent me some delicious cookies today. They are delicious! And there was a sweet note in it! So I am praising the Lord for friends. Thanks Liesl!
We are a homeschooling family with four girls and now one wee little man. We are a family that loves the Lord and are daily trying to walk that faith out to His glory.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
School and thankfulness...
Most of you know that we pulled our girls out of public school two years ago now. Looking back today two years after we made the final decision I am thankful for many things.
- I am thankful that the Lord brought us to this place and has honored our obedience.
- I am thankful because we have precious time with our girls that most parents don't get to have.
- I am thankful I get to see my girls faces when they get something in math or when they connect the story we're reading with a time period in history. I love to see how they are quick to help their babby sister read or do some math with her.
- I am thankful that I can let them sleep as long as their growing bodies and minds need without having to rush them out of the bed at some early hour.
- I am thankful that we are able to take a day off when we need to or want to without dealing with anyone else's schedule but my beloved's.
- I am thankful when I see my girls working on a story or a play just because they like it. And when they read before nap,before going to bed or any other time of the day they can squeeze it in just because they love to read books.
- I am thankful for the breakfast my girls make for each other most mornings because they have time to cook and try new recipes.
- I am thankful for my beloved who works so very hard in order for us to be able to live this life we have.
- I am also so very thankful that we are able to stop and go to love on my folks or friends when they need us.
And lastly I'm thankful to the see my girl's love of the Lord and to be able to nurture that love in them.
God is good all the time. And while we have a lot going on these days I will continue to Praise Him!
In Christ's Love,
- I am thankful that the Lord brought us to this place and has honored our obedience.
- I am thankful because we have precious time with our girls that most parents don't get to have.
- I am thankful I get to see my girls faces when they get something in math or when they connect the story we're reading with a time period in history. I love to see how they are quick to help their babby sister read or do some math with her.
- I am thankful that I can let them sleep as long as their growing bodies and minds need without having to rush them out of the bed at some early hour.
- I am thankful that we are able to take a day off when we need to or want to without dealing with anyone else's schedule but my beloved's.
- I am thankful when I see my girls working on a story or a play just because they like it. And when they read before nap,before going to bed or any other time of the day they can squeeze it in just because they love to read books.
- I am thankful for the breakfast my girls make for each other most mornings because they have time to cook and try new recipes.
- I am thankful for my beloved who works so very hard in order for us to be able to live this life we have.
- I am also so very thankful that we are able to stop and go to love on my folks or friends when they need us.
And lastly I'm thankful to the see my girl's love of the Lord and to be able to nurture that love in them.
God is good all the time. And while we have a lot going on these days I will continue to Praise Him!
In Christ's Love,
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I love my girls!
I missed my girls terribly while I was gone to my folks. It was the longest time we've ever left them. I'm not doing that again any time soon.
They were in very good, capable hands and so I had peace that they were safe and well cared for while we were away. I just missed them! I know most people don't understand the closeness we all have and that we really do enjoy just being together but our family loves being together.
When we got home last night they came screaming out of the house and about knocked me over with their hugs and kisses. That is my kind of loving!
They are good girls (well most of the time) and they love each other. My friend told me how sweet it was to see them talking to each other and loving each other when they came back together Sunday afternoon. I love that they have that relationship with each other. It is something to be cherished. I don't think it happens all the time.
God is good and we are praising Him tonight for being all together.
In Christ's Love,
They were in very good, capable hands and so I had peace that they were safe and well cared for while we were away. I just missed them! I know most people don't understand the closeness we all have and that we really do enjoy just being together but our family loves being together.
When we got home last night they came screaming out of the house and about knocked me over with their hugs and kisses. That is my kind of loving!
They are good girls (well most of the time) and they love each other. My friend told me how sweet it was to see them talking to each other and loving each other when they came back together Sunday afternoon. I love that they have that relationship with each other. It is something to be cherished. I don't think it happens all the time.
God is good and we are praising Him tonight for being all together.
In Christ's Love,
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Praising the Lord in the Storm.
We just got back from my folks house a couple of hours ago. Most of you know we went for just a few days to help out with some things. Well, a few days turned into 6! Yes SIX!
Just as a bit of background: My beloved had taken our van in (like he does every time we travel) for an oil change and to get a funny sound we'd been having checked out before we drove 8 hours to my folks. That was a week ago today. And the mechanic said everything was great. It wasn't! (And we're looking for a new mechanic.)
When we got off at my folks exit (7 hours into our trip) we had the engine light come on and we had to take it to the shop. One rental car later and a really nice car shop (we highly recommend Cottman's Transmission) and 6 days later we have our car back.
So here are some of the praising things:
PRAISE THE LORD the transmission was still under warranty.
PRAISE THE LORD we were already headed for my folks and didn't have to get a hotel etc.
PRAISE THE LORD we had the extra three days because on Saturday we had huge thunderstorms and had to stop working on the deck we went there to build.
PRAISE THE LORD for family. We had help on Sunday that we wouldn't have had on Saturday (my brother-in-law and nephew and sisters) which enabled my beloved to get way more done on the deck than we could have ever done on our own. And for the family here that offer help without question! We are so very blessed.
PRAISE THE LORD for the extra days because I got to be with my father and mother and just be!
PRAISE THE LORD for good friends who kept our girls while we were gone. And for our girlfriend who stayed at our house and kept the girls until today. And she did SCHOOL with them so we didn't lose any days.
PRAISE THE LORD for my girls and my girlfriend who cleaned my house and did my laundry. My laundry room looks fabulous and the rest of the house looks great too.
And PRAISE THE LORD that I got to say goodbye to my daddy in a special way. I hope to see him again on this side of heaven but if I don't I know we're ok.
God is good. And I'm praising Him in this storm.
Just as a bit of background: My beloved had taken our van in (like he does every time we travel) for an oil change and to get a funny sound we'd been having checked out before we drove 8 hours to my folks. That was a week ago today. And the mechanic said everything was great. It wasn't! (And we're looking for a new mechanic.)
When we got off at my folks exit (7 hours into our trip) we had the engine light come on and we had to take it to the shop. One rental car later and a really nice car shop (we highly recommend Cottman's Transmission) and 6 days later we have our car back.
So here are some of the praising things:
PRAISE THE LORD the transmission was still under warranty.
PRAISE THE LORD we were already headed for my folks and didn't have to get a hotel etc.
PRAISE THE LORD we had the extra three days because on Saturday we had huge thunderstorms and had to stop working on the deck we went there to build.
PRAISE THE LORD for family. We had help on Sunday that we wouldn't have had on Saturday (my brother-in-law and nephew and sisters) which enabled my beloved to get way more done on the deck than we could have ever done on our own. And for the family here that offer help without question! We are so very blessed.
PRAISE THE LORD for the extra days because I got to be with my father and mother and just be!
PRAISE THE LORD for good friends who kept our girls while we were gone. And for our girlfriend who stayed at our house and kept the girls until today. And she did SCHOOL with them so we didn't lose any days.
PRAISE THE LORD for my girls and my girlfriend who cleaned my house and did my laundry. My laundry room looks fabulous and the rest of the house looks great too.
And PRAISE THE LORD that I got to say goodbye to my daddy in a special way. I hope to see him again on this side of heaven but if I don't I know we're ok.
God is good. And I'm praising Him in this storm.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Bathrooms and why you can never have too many.
I live in a house with four other females. Need I say any more?
My poor beloved can barely get a shower to himself let alone anything else. There are two working bathrooms in this house and there is someone in them all the time. When I call someone's name 90% of the time the answer comes back "RESTROOM". Yep there is always and I mean always someone in both bathrooms at any given time in this house. It doesn't hurt that most of them are readers and take a book with them when they go which makes it that much longer before they come out.
We have a roughed in bathroom off our master bedroom downstairs. My beloved has done a lot to it but it still needs more. I have all the equipment needed for it to work. Now I just need the plumbing to be done. I'll be so glad when that thing is finished. Bless my beloved's heart - he will so appreciate having two doors with locks on them so he can take a shower without someone coming in for "just a second".
Pray for him. The man is a saint. Really he is!
In Christ's Love,
My poor beloved can barely get a shower to himself let alone anything else. There are two working bathrooms in this house and there is someone in them all the time. When I call someone's name 90% of the time the answer comes back "RESTROOM". Yep there is always and I mean always someone in both bathrooms at any given time in this house. It doesn't hurt that most of them are readers and take a book with them when they go which makes it that much longer before they come out.
We have a roughed in bathroom off our master bedroom downstairs. My beloved has done a lot to it but it still needs more. I have all the equipment needed for it to work. Now I just need the plumbing to be done. I'll be so glad when that thing is finished. Bless my beloved's heart - he will so appreciate having two doors with locks on them so he can take a shower without someone coming in for "just a second".
Pray for him. The man is a saint. Really he is!
In Christ's Love,
Monday, April 7, 2008
My daddy
and praying for healing.
Today as I talked to my mother and heard her weary voice I was struck by how much she loves my daddy. And us kids. She has been the strong one this whole time. She is so sad to see my daddy go downhill so fast.
I hurt for her. I hurt for him. I want to fix things. See that is my job in our family. I fix things. And I can't fix this. It totally stinks. But I know the Lord can fix this though and I'm asking Him daily to help my mom have the strength, patience and love she needs to care for my daddy in these last days.
I know some people won't understand me when I say that I pray the Lord heals him soon by carrying him home to be with Jesus in heaven but I know the Lord knows my heart in this. So I will keep asking the Lord to give him grace and favor in these last days. And to heal him soon. Forever.
In Christ's able and abundant love,
Today as I talked to my mother and heard her weary voice I was struck by how much she loves my daddy. And us kids. She has been the strong one this whole time. She is so sad to see my daddy go downhill so fast.
I hurt for her. I hurt for him. I want to fix things. See that is my job in our family. I fix things. And I can't fix this. It totally stinks. But I know the Lord can fix this though and I'm asking Him daily to help my mom have the strength, patience and love she needs to care for my daddy in these last days.
I know some people won't understand me when I say that I pray the Lord heals him soon by carrying him home to be with Jesus in heaven but I know the Lord knows my heart in this. So I will keep asking the Lord to give him grace and favor in these last days. And to heal him soon. Forever.
In Christ's able and abundant love,
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Spring - beautiful but bittersweet.
I love spring! It is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the new growth and all the flowers that start blooming. My absolute favorite flower this time of the year is a lilac.

We have several lilac bushes in our yard. We planted them all. The first two we planted were in rememberance of our Zeb and the babbies we have already with the Lord. I love to see them grow taller each year. It is bittersweet because they grow bigger but our babbies never did.
This spring I'm glad to see the new growth and the new blooms on the azaleas, lilacs and the forsythe. At the same time when I see the lilacs ready to bloom I am reminded that the original two were put there in rememberance of loved ones lost. This spring is especially bittersweet for me because my Daddy is not well and will likely be gone before another spring comes around.
Next year we may be planting a new lilac in rememberance of him. I hope not but we've been told it is only a matter of months that we have left with him. It's a hard thing to face - losing anyone that you love. I am thankful to have had him with me this long and plan to spend as much time as possible with him in the coming months. Please tell those you love that you love them often and with a hug or a kiss to go with it.
I'm also thankful for the presence of the Lord in mine and my Daddy's life. I know He is what sees us through the good and the difficult times. If you don't know the Lord please look at Romans 11:9-13. It tells you how to have the Love of the Lord Jesus in your heart. It really is a simple thing. He wants you with him. Don't wait until it is too late. Life is simply too short.
In Christ's Love,

We have several lilac bushes in our yard. We planted them all. The first two we planted were in rememberance of our Zeb and the babbies we have already with the Lord. I love to see them grow taller each year. It is bittersweet because they grow bigger but our babbies never did.
This spring I'm glad to see the new growth and the new blooms on the azaleas, lilacs and the forsythe. At the same time when I see the lilacs ready to bloom I am reminded that the original two were put there in rememberance of loved ones lost. This spring is especially bittersweet for me because my Daddy is not well and will likely be gone before another spring comes around.
Next year we may be planting a new lilac in rememberance of him. I hope not but we've been told it is only a matter of months that we have left with him. It's a hard thing to face - losing anyone that you love. I am thankful to have had him with me this long and plan to spend as much time as possible with him in the coming months. Please tell those you love that you love them often and with a hug or a kiss to go with it.
I'm also thankful for the presence of the Lord in mine and my Daddy's life. I know He is what sees us through the good and the difficult times. If you don't know the Lord please look at Romans 11:9-13. It tells you how to have the Love of the Lord Jesus in your heart. It really is a simple thing. He wants you with him. Don't wait until it is too late. Life is simply too short.
In Christ's Love,
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