We have several lilac bushes in our yard. We planted them all. The first two we planted were in rememberance of our Zeb and the babbies we have already with the Lord. I love to see them grow taller each year. It is bittersweet because they grow bigger but our babbies never did.
This spring I'm glad to see the new growth and the new blooms on the azaleas, lilacs and the forsythe. At the same time when I see the lilacs ready to bloom I am reminded that the original two were put there in rememberance of loved ones lost. This spring is especially bittersweet for me because my Daddy is not well and will likely be gone before another spring comes around.
Next year we may be planting a new lilac in rememberance of him. I hope not but we've been told it is only a matter of months that we have left with him. It's a hard thing to face - losing anyone that you love. I am thankful to have had him with me this long and plan to spend as much time as possible with him in the coming months. Please tell those you love that you love them often and with a hug or a kiss to go with it.
I'm also thankful for the presence of the Lord in mine and my Daddy's life. I know He is what sees us through the good and the difficult times. If you don't know the Lord please look at Romans 11:9-13. It tells you how to have the Love of the Lord Jesus in your heart. It really is a simple thing. He wants you with him. Don't wait until it is too late. Life is simply too short.
In Christ's Love,
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