Yep we just got back from vacation and then Em starts puking yesterday morning. I immediately assume that it is the antibiotic they have her on for the knee. Not so I soon realized when McGinley starts an hour later.
Emma hates and I mean HATES to puke. She got sick twice and was done. McGinley is like her mother - she yaks just thinking about yakking. She was so pitiful for most of the day and evening. She did finally eat some broth around 8 last night.
Of course, Sophia just willed herself to not yak! She hates being sick even more than Em does. She had a headache half the day and then feels all chipper and happy today. She is even going to swim in the meet they have tonight.
McGinley thinks she can swim but I told her coach no way because I know she takes days and days to recover from being sick. I'll be force feeding her and making sure she gets liquids in for the next week just to get her back to normal. She is so thin she really cannot afford to be sick -ever.
And Em can't swim because of the stitches in her knee. Next week she'll be able to swim. Not tonight though.
We are praising the Lord we were home for them to be sick and miserable in their own beds (and bathrooms). And I'm praising the Lord they are all old enough to run to the toilet and actually make it. I hate cleaning up yak!
Praising Him for good health,
We are a homeschooling family with four girls and now one wee little man. We are a family that loves the Lord and are daily trying to walk that faith out to His glory.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Geron Family goes on vacation...
Well, you know something had to happen. We never get to travel without something happening. We pulled out of Dodge later than we wanted to and as soon as we got on the highway this happened:

Yep that is the trailer tire shredded of pretty much all useful tire parts.
And then my girlfriend (I call her my sister wife) came:

Isn't she Beautiful? I sure do love her dearly. She came and drove my beloved back to our tire place to get a new tire plus a spare 'cause you know it may happen again.
This is what we did while they got the tires:

Finally we got on the road 2 hours later. We were so excited to be on the road in the new van. It drives great and hauled the trailer as if it weren't even there. We made it to Lake Sherwood without further incident. PRAISE THE LORD.
Of course, our late start meant we got there around 7. Our friends helped us set up the tents and my best friend already had dinner cooking. We added our stuff and ate in good time. Everyone ate hearty because they were starving from all the travel and work.
We spent from Wednesday to Saturday in total relaxation. When our friends left to go home (we overlap) we followed them down the mountain for some water and supplies. Our cell phones started beeping as soon as we hit a signal tower 2/3rds of the way down the mountain.
Remember how I said we can't travel without something going on? We thought we were free and clear since we had the tire blow as soon as we hit the road. Well, unfortunately my beloved's dear cousin passed away very unexpectedly. He was 45. We came home early on Monday for the service on Tuesday. Praise the Lord he knew our Lord as his saviour and we know he is at peace now.
Of course, before we came home we had to do one more thing. A visit to the ER! My sweet Emma had to have a few stitches. Nine to be exact. Why? Well, she says the chain off her bike jumped off and bit her in the knee. It looked pretty gross and scary to this Mama's eyes. But she is recovering nicely. Here she is at the beach the next day with her knee wrapped in plastic. Isn't she just too cute and so very sad looking she can't swim with everyone else?

And before we left WV we saw my girlfriend of 25 years in from IN. She was coming up the mountain to spend the night with us at our site before she left to go home on Monday. Of course, she had to wait in the rain for us since we were in the ER down the mountain. And then she graciously helped us pack up on Monday before we actually spent the last few hours with her at the beach.
And just so you know I'm keeping this real:

Yep that is my girlfriend and I on the beach in our swimsuits. I'm all about transparency here. Isn't she beautiful? It was great getting to see her.
We are praising the Lord for many things on this trip. Safety when the tire blew. Cell phones for when we needed to be reached. Friends who will travel and sit in the rain to see us for just a few hours. Emergeny room doctors - Dr. Dawson at Greenbrier Memorial is a great doctor and very gentle yet thorough with my girl. Family. Sister wives/girlfriends. And of course that the Lord is with us through it all. What a joy it is to serve Him.
In Christ's Love,
Yep that is the trailer tire shredded of pretty much all useful tire parts.
And then my girlfriend (I call her my sister wife) came:
Isn't she Beautiful? I sure do love her dearly. She came and drove my beloved back to our tire place to get a new tire plus a spare 'cause you know it may happen again.
This is what we did while they got the tires:
Finally we got on the road 2 hours later. We were so excited to be on the road in the new van. It drives great and hauled the trailer as if it weren't even there. We made it to Lake Sherwood without further incident. PRAISE THE LORD.
Of course, our late start meant we got there around 7. Our friends helped us set up the tents and my best friend already had dinner cooking. We added our stuff and ate in good time. Everyone ate hearty because they were starving from all the travel and work.
We spent from Wednesday to Saturday in total relaxation. When our friends left to go home (we overlap) we followed them down the mountain for some water and supplies. Our cell phones started beeping as soon as we hit a signal tower 2/3rds of the way down the mountain.
Remember how I said we can't travel without something going on? We thought we were free and clear since we had the tire blow as soon as we hit the road. Well, unfortunately my beloved's dear cousin passed away very unexpectedly. He was 45. We came home early on Monday for the service on Tuesday. Praise the Lord he knew our Lord as his saviour and we know he is at peace now.
Of course, before we came home we had to do one more thing. A visit to the ER! My sweet Emma had to have a few stitches. Nine to be exact. Why? Well, she says the chain off her bike jumped off and bit her in the knee. It looked pretty gross and scary to this Mama's eyes. But she is recovering nicely. Here she is at the beach the next day with her knee wrapped in plastic. Isn't she just too cute and so very sad looking she can't swim with everyone else?
And before we left WV we saw my girlfriend of 25 years in from IN. She was coming up the mountain to spend the night with us at our site before she left to go home on Monday. Of course, she had to wait in the rain for us since we were in the ER down the mountain. And then she graciously helped us pack up on Monday before we actually spent the last few hours with her at the beach.
And just so you know I'm keeping this real:
Yep that is my girlfriend and I on the beach in our swimsuits. I'm all about transparency here. Isn't she beautiful? It was great getting to see her.
We are praising the Lord for many things on this trip. Safety when the tire blew. Cell phones for when we needed to be reached. Friends who will travel and sit in the rain to see us for just a few hours. Emergeny room doctors - Dr. Dawson at Greenbrier Memorial is a great doctor and very gentle yet thorough with my girl. Family. Sister wives/girlfriends. And of course that the Lord is with us through it all. What a joy it is to serve Him.
In Christ's Love,
Monday, June 16, 2008
Henry is 40!
Henry is my sister. Her real name is Cindy but evidently she put a "H" in front of every word when she was little so our daddy called her "Henry". She only allowed him to call her that. I just can't let that go by the wayside since he is with the Lord. It just doesn't seem right. So Happy Birthday Henry! Love ya!

I called her cell and sang "Happy Birthday to you You are older than me" and she called me back laughing because she knows she is only 15 months older than me. And that means next year I'll be forty. She likes to remind me of that.
She had a good day. I was worried that she would have a hard day because Daddy is not here this year. She said that she made it through by keeping busy. I'm glad she had a good day. She is a lot of fun. And she took really good care of our daddy and now Mama. I sure do love her!
So if you see her Don't call her Henry. She may hit you.
In Christ's Love,
I called her cell and sang "Happy Birthday to you You are older than me" and she called me back laughing because she knows she is only 15 months older than me. And that means next year I'll be forty. She likes to remind me of that.
She had a good day. I was worried that she would have a hard day because Daddy is not here this year. She said that she made it through by keeping busy. I'm glad she had a good day. She is a lot of fun. And she took really good care of our daddy and now Mama. I sure do love her!
So if you see her Don't call her Henry. She may hit you.
In Christ's Love,
YEA! No Swim tonight!
We're packing up to go camping and I really did not want to go out to swim practice tonight. Well Praise the Lord a summer storm has blown in and what with all the thunder and lightening we are just not able to go. LOVE IT!
Praising Him,
Praising Him,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day...
To all those people in my life that are Fathers.
My beloved husband who is the most fabulous father to our beautiful girls;
My Father-in-love, who raised the man my beloved has become and has loved on me all these many years in so many ways even to the point of coming to my own Daddy's service a few weeks ago;
And All my friends who are such good fathers and are constantly pointing me back to the Heavenly Father with their love for their babbies.
And especially my Father who is with my Heavenly Father today. I miss you Daddy.
There is something so undeniably attractive about a man who loves his wife, children and the Lord. Love on the Fathers in your life. Life is too short not to take the time to do it while you can.
In Christ's Love,
My beloved husband who is the most fabulous father to our beautiful girls;
My Father-in-love, who raised the man my beloved has become and has loved on me all these many years in so many ways even to the point of coming to my own Daddy's service a few weeks ago;
And All my friends who are such good fathers and are constantly pointing me back to the Heavenly Father with their love for their babbies.
And especially my Father who is with my Heavenly Father today. I miss you Daddy.
There is something so undeniably attractive about a man who loves his wife, children and the Lord. Love on the Fathers in your life. Life is too short not to take the time to do it while you can.
In Christ's Love,
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Unexpected grief and unexpected blessings...
Yesterday I went to see one of my best friend's families. Her kids all got out of school yesterday and we went to their house to visit and swim. We had a great time and I was glad to see my girlfriend. We used to live next door to each other. Our kids are similar in age and we have learned and grown to be the best wives, homemakers, mothers and daughters of the most high King together. In a perfect world all my girlfriends would be next door.
When I got ready to leave her house I called my beloved to tell him I would be going shopping for the annual Father's Day gifts with the girls before coming home. As I told him it suddenly hit me in a very physical way that I would not be buying one for Daddy this year. The grief was just overwhelming. I felt like I'd been hit -hard. My beloved tried talking me through it on the phone but truth be told I could not talk at all. Then it hit me even harder in the store. I was trying so hard to hold it together for my girls. I didn't want to scare them. I was so close to coming unglued right there in Sears. Praise the Lord I didn't.
The blessing of it all is the unexpected part. At least unexpected by the world's standards. I have friends all over the world who use the same curriculum we use. I posted on my forums that I was having a hard time. My friends have been praying for me all day - all over the world. I have felt and been upheld by those prayers. In a physical way that is so very hard to describe.
I am so very thankful for my emaginary friends. And my IRL friends. My friend Cheryl talked me through a tough moment this morning. My friend Amy was Christ in the flesh last night. She took care of me when no one else was around to do it. I don't know what I'd do without my girlfriends. I don't know what I'd do without my church family. Both here and all over the world. I am thankful for the blessing of the family bound by the blood of Jesus.
So in the midst of this crazy day I am praising HIM ever more. He is there carrying me through the prayers of old friends and new friends. I can't wait to get to heaven to see my daddy and have all my girlfriends next door.
In Christ's Love,
When I got ready to leave her house I called my beloved to tell him I would be going shopping for the annual Father's Day gifts with the girls before coming home. As I told him it suddenly hit me in a very physical way that I would not be buying one for Daddy this year. The grief was just overwhelming. I felt like I'd been hit -hard. My beloved tried talking me through it on the phone but truth be told I could not talk at all. Then it hit me even harder in the store. I was trying so hard to hold it together for my girls. I didn't want to scare them. I was so close to coming unglued right there in Sears. Praise the Lord I didn't.
The blessing of it all is the unexpected part. At least unexpected by the world's standards. I have friends all over the world who use the same curriculum we use. I posted on my forums that I was having a hard time. My friends have been praying for me all day - all over the world. I have felt and been upheld by those prayers. In a physical way that is so very hard to describe.
I am so very thankful for my emaginary friends. And my IRL friends. My friend Cheryl talked me through a tough moment this morning. My friend Amy was Christ in the flesh last night. She took care of me when no one else was around to do it. I don't know what I'd do without my girlfriends. I don't know what I'd do without my church family. Both here and all over the world. I am thankful for the blessing of the family bound by the blood of Jesus.
So in the midst of this crazy day I am praising HIM ever more. He is there carrying me through the prayers of old friends and new friends. I can't wait to get to heaven to see my daddy and have all my girlfriends next door.
In Christ's Love,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The business of summer...
We have started swim team officially. I get to watch my girls swim in a local league here in town. They have done this for several summers now. You'd think I'd have it down pat but I don't. Tonight we went to run errands in Williamsburg because I forgot we had swim practice tonight.
Well truth be told I had two libraries books to return before I have to take a second mortgage out for the fines we'll have. Don't tell my beloved. He thinks we have enough books in the house as it is. He knows all of his girls love to read so he doesn't complain too much about the library runs. Except when we forget there are books due.
And then on top of that I had gotten my mail with a water quality report from our town saying that our fluoride levels are too high for the kids to be drinking the water. Well, if you know my family then you know that we drink a LOT of water. I spent thirty minutes in Lowes looking at water filters only to discover that none they sell filters out the fluoride. So a stop at the Ukrops (got to see my beloved for a few minutes) to buy a bottle of spring water with no fluoride in it to drink until we figure out this thing.
And then I realized we had swim practice tonight. So on home we went to fling on bathing suits and run to the club for swim practice. Home again at 9:15 and everyone gets farmed through the showers. Thankfully now my house is quiet. That is a bonus of the swim practice - they are worn slam out and ready for bed. God is good.
Busy days doing this business of summer. But I wouldn't have it any other way. The girls love to swim and do very well with it. The running around I could do without but you know the business of a family our size always involves some running.
So how's business at your house? Are you enjoying the blessing of summer and good times? Are you loving on each other and praising the Lord for his blessings? We are!
In Christ's Love,
Well truth be told I had two libraries books to return before I have to take a second mortgage out for the fines we'll have. Don't tell my beloved. He thinks we have enough books in the house as it is. He knows all of his girls love to read so he doesn't complain too much about the library runs. Except when we forget there are books due.
And then on top of that I had gotten my mail with a water quality report from our town saying that our fluoride levels are too high for the kids to be drinking the water. Well, if you know my family then you know that we drink a LOT of water. I spent thirty minutes in Lowes looking at water filters only to discover that none they sell filters out the fluoride. So a stop at the Ukrops (got to see my beloved for a few minutes) to buy a bottle of spring water with no fluoride in it to drink until we figure out this thing.
And then I realized we had swim practice tonight. So on home we went to fling on bathing suits and run to the club for swim practice. Home again at 9:15 and everyone gets farmed through the showers. Thankfully now my house is quiet. That is a bonus of the swim practice - they are worn slam out and ready for bed. God is good.
Busy days doing this business of summer. But I wouldn't have it any other way. The girls love to swim and do very well with it. The running around I could do without but you know the business of a family our size always involves some running.
So how's business at your house? Are you enjoying the blessing of summer and good times? Are you loving on each other and praising the Lord for his blessings? We are!
In Christ's Love,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Homeschooling and blessings....
My beloved and I went to a homeschooling conference our state organization puts on every June this weekend. The first year we went we were so very overwhelmed with all the choices out there of things to us to teach your children. The speakers were not even on our radar that first year. We were there to buy what we thought we needed to teach our girls. We walked away that year with just a very few things and half of those we ended up not using because it didn't suit the way my girls learn.
Last year, after our first full year, we went again. We spent the night and had a plan of what we were looking for and what our goals were for this year. We came away with much more useful things and a much clearer goal of what we are looking for in our girls. We decided then and there we would spend at least one night every year away for the express purpose of focusing on only the prep for the following year's school. The Lord blessed that time for us.
My beloved works so very hard for us to have this way of life. He trusts me to do what he asks me to in the school arena. He is a good sounding board; letting me go on and on about this curriculum verses this one ad nauseum. He will give his opinion if asked but mostly he just supports me. And did I tell you he trusts me? That is such a blessing.
The other thing that is a blessing at this convention is that we've gone the last two years with friends who also home school. This year they brought friends and we brought our friends. The fellowship with other Christian, homeschooling families is such a blessing. I love the camaraderie that the blood of Jesus provides us with through other Christians. We ate out of the back of the vans picnic style both days and just visited with each other. It was a blessing to sit down to dinner with all adults and have good, funny conversation. God is good and we are blessed by the people he brings our way through this adventure we call homeschooling.
The last blessing was that our girls got some one on one time with their Mimi and Poppop. They love it at Mimi and Poppop's house. Poppop always has ice cream in the freezer for them and they are allowed free rein of the Disney channel and computer games. We are blessed by knowing we don't have to worry while we are away from them. So thanks Mimi and Poppop.
We are blessed in so many ways through homeschooling. These are the ones that we are thankful for this day.
In Christ's Love,
Last year, after our first full year, we went again. We spent the night and had a plan of what we were looking for and what our goals were for this year. We came away with much more useful things and a much clearer goal of what we are looking for in our girls. We decided then and there we would spend at least one night every year away for the express purpose of focusing on only the prep for the following year's school. The Lord blessed that time for us.
My beloved works so very hard for us to have this way of life. He trusts me to do what he asks me to in the school arena. He is a good sounding board; letting me go on and on about this curriculum verses this one ad nauseum. He will give his opinion if asked but mostly he just supports me. And did I tell you he trusts me? That is such a blessing.
The other thing that is a blessing at this convention is that we've gone the last two years with friends who also home school. This year they brought friends and we brought our friends. The fellowship with other Christian, homeschooling families is such a blessing. I love the camaraderie that the blood of Jesus provides us with through other Christians. We ate out of the back of the vans picnic style both days and just visited with each other. It was a blessing to sit down to dinner with all adults and have good, funny conversation. God is good and we are blessed by the people he brings our way through this adventure we call homeschooling.
The last blessing was that our girls got some one on one time with their Mimi and Poppop. They love it at Mimi and Poppop's house. Poppop always has ice cream in the freezer for them and they are allowed free rein of the Disney channel and computer games. We are blessed by knowing we don't have to worry while we are away from them. So thanks Mimi and Poppop.
We are blessed in so many ways through homeschooling. These are the ones that we are thankful for this day.
In Christ's Love,
Thursday, June 5, 2008
We are excited to welcome someone new to our family!
Yes everyone here at La Geron is ecstatic to have a new member of the family. Introducing the as yet unnamed VAN:

Yes, we have a new 12 passenger Ford E350 Van. It is a 2006 and we are so excited. The girls were saying "Hallelujah!" We will be giving Her a name - 'cause you know we're all girls here except my poor beloved. The girls are still working on what her name will be. I'll let you know.
Anyway, we just had to share with everyone. We knew you'd share our joy after the van saga we've had this spring.
In Christ's Love,

Yes, we have a new 12 passenger Ford E350 Van. It is a 2006 and we are so excited. The girls were saying "Hallelujah!" We will be giving Her a name - 'cause you know we're all girls here except my poor beloved. The girls are still working on what her name will be. I'll let you know.
Anyway, we just had to share with everyone. We knew you'd share our joy after the van saga we've had this spring.
In Christ's Love,
Monday, June 2, 2008
You say it's your birthday...
It's my birthday too! Actually it is not but this is the song I sing to each of my girls when they do have a birthday. I sing it to them all day long on their birthday. And I try to get other people to sing it or say it to them.
They come back with "MOM it is not your birthday it's MINE!" in the most drawn out sentence you can imagine. Totally cracks me up. I know they love it though even when they say they don't. I know they will be calling their sisters up when they are grown up and singing to each other. It makes me so happy to think of that.
Anyway, the point of today's post is that my sweet Em has had her 10th - yes 10th - birthday. She is such a sweetie. And she is so stinkin' cute. I just love her fun, quirky personality. She has the best sense of humor. Often she just blows us all away with the way she sees the world. Love it!
So here is my sweet babby Emma at three and a half:

And now the Birthday girl today:

I love the young lady of God she is becoming. If you see her anytime soon please sing "You say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too!" She'll love it!
In Christ's Love,
They come back with "MOM it is not your birthday it's MINE!" in the most drawn out sentence you can imagine. Totally cracks me up. I know they love it though even when they say they don't. I know they will be calling their sisters up when they are grown up and singing to each other. It makes me so happy to think of that.
Anyway, the point of today's post is that my sweet Em has had her 10th - yes 10th - birthday. She is such a sweetie. And she is so stinkin' cute. I just love her fun, quirky personality. She has the best sense of humor. Often she just blows us all away with the way she sees the world. Love it!
So here is my sweet babby Emma at three and a half:
And now the Birthday girl today:
I love the young lady of God she is becoming. If you see her anytime soon please sing "You say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too!" She'll love it!
In Christ's Love,
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